Improper Passing Lawyer

All drivers, at some point, have passed another vehicle while driving. Drivers are always required to signal their blinker, check blind spot as well as mirrors to ensure it is clear and safe to make a pass. An improper passing ticket conviction comes with 2 points on your license . State courts treat this as a misdemeanor and municipal courts can assess fines and court costs up to $225.00. If you have any outstanding traffic tickets, warrants, or past traffic tickets you want off your record; use the “get a quote” link on this page to give us some basic information about your situation.
The information you submit is confidential, and we reply to all requests the same business day if submitted before 4pm cst. Requests received after 4pm are normally followed up on the next business day. For more immediate assistance, give us a call at 816-398-8772
Our price to handle standard traffic tickets is a flat $75 fee. Fees for other services may vary, but our rates are among the most competitive in the area.
Improper Passing Ticket Lawyer
Failure to follow the correct protocol before passing another vehicle equates to an Improper pass. Drivers who face charges of an Improper pass in Missouri can face hefty fines. It is even more severe when accidents or injuries result from an improper pass.
So, what are the types of unsafe passing that frequently get drivers an improper passing citation?
Types of Improper Passing In Missouri
A driver should know the proper lanes for normal driving and the right time to safely change lanes. Changing lane rules in Missouri differ from one type of road to another. It is essential to understand that passing should only be done when the rules allow, and when the driver has confirmed, it is safe to make a pass.
Below are some of the mistakes drivers make during passing;
(i) Passing on the Right
According to the 2005 Missouri Revised Statutes 304.016. 2, all vehicles on public roads or highways should not overtake or pass to the right except when;
- The car being overtaken is about to make a left turn
- On a one-way-street
- On a city street with unobstructed pavement wide enough for two or more lines of traffic in each direction.
- On a highway outside the city with unobstructed pavement wide enough for four or more lines of traffic.
Even under the exceptions above, drivers can only make a right pass “under conditions permitting such movement in safety.” And by so doing, the driver shall not drive or force other drivers to drive off the main traveled section of the roadway.
(ii) A Pass That Endangers Other Vehicles
If by passing right, you disturb the safe passage of other vehicles, either by causing an accident or forcing another car off the road, then that constitutes an improper pass. And a police officer can write you a ticket for that.
(iii) Making an Unsafe Blind Pass
Under the 2005 Missouri Revised Statutes 304.016. 4, drivers should never make a pass under the following conditions;
- When approaching a hilly area, or a curve on a highway where the driver’s view is obstructed and cannot see oncoming traffic within a distance that can cause an accident in case another vehicle approaches from the opposite direction.
- When a bridge or tunnel obstructs driver’s view or when within one hundred feet or approaching a railroad grade crossing.
Fines & Costs Of Improper Passing In Missouri
Violation of the 2005 Missouri Revised Statutes 304.016, Passing regulations, is a class C misdemeanor. A driver who has been convicted of improper passing can be subjected to fines between $150 and $750.
The fines would be on the upper scale if the offense is committed in a highway where construction or repair work was ongoing.
Contact a qualified traffic lawyer
If you are charged with an improper pass, contact an experienced traffic attorney to mount a defense against the charges. Our Improper Passing Lawyer will come up with a defense strategy to help you get off the hook.
Some strategies your Improper Passing Lawyer will use may include identifying mistakes that the accusing police officer may have made while preparing a report about the improper pass. The attorney can also claim that there was no evidence to show that you were too close to an obstruction like a curve to make a pass.
If you are facing improper pass charges or know someone with similar charges in Missouri, you should contact Speeding Ticket KC traffic law firm to help you with your case. You will be happy you did!
TRAFFIC LAWYER SERVING THE KANSAS CITY METRO AND BEYOND is a modern traffic law firm in the digital age with an old fashioned personal touch by our Traffic Attorney.
Our electronic process allows you to handle your basic traffic matter without ever leaving home. But, you will always know our traffic lawyer is available to answer your questions by just making a call. Kansas City local traffic attorney Chris Simons handles your matter from beginning to end, giving each client his direct email and personal cell phone number.
Cities we serve: Adrian, Archie, Bates City, Belton, Blue Springs, Buckner, Butler, Cameron, Claycomo, Cleveland, Drexel, Fairview, Ferrelview, Gladstone, Grain Valley, Grandview, Greenwood, Houston Lake, Independence, Kansas City Missouri, Kearney, , Knob Noster, Lake Lotawana, Lake Tapawingo, Lake Waukomis, Lake Winnebago, Lawson, Lee’s Summit, Liberty, North Kansas City, Oak Grove, Oakview, Parkville, Peculiar,, Platte City, Platte Woods, Plattsburg, Pleasant Hill, Raymore, Raytown, Riverside, Smithville, Sugar Creek, Tracy, Warrensberg, Weatherby lake, Weston,
Contact us if your ticket is not on this list so our traffic lawyer Missouri can be of assistance.
Statewide: Missouri State Highway Patrol and Sheriff Counties we serve: Bates County, Cass County, Clay County, Jackson County, Platte County, Ray County.
Contact us if your ticket is not on this list so our traffic lawyer Missouri can be of assistance.
Keep Insurance Rates Low
Insurance companies review your record to see if you have had traffic tickets when you apply for insurance. If you have traffic tickets on your license, they are known to raise your rates as much as 22% for over 3 years. This can cost you over a thousand dollars.
Do not waste your money on high insurance premiums. Let our speeding ticket attorney negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation
Do not waste your time going to court and trying to plea your case in front of a judge. Let our traffic lawyer do the work for you. has a simple process. Quick and Easy. Our traffic attorney has you covered. Put the flashing lights behind you and move on with your life! Let our traffic lawyer contact the prosecutor and negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation!
Keep Points Off Your License
Missouri has a point system that keeps track of traffic tickets in Missouri. Speeding tickets are moving violations in Missouri and add points to your license. If you get too many points you can lose your license. These points last on your record for up to 3 years. Losing your license can be devastating to your personal and professional life. Do not let traffic tickets curtail your life. Let our traffic lawyer contact the prosecutor and negotiate a plea to amend your traffic ticket to a non-moving violation.
- No Court Appearance (in most cases),
- No Office Visit,
- Flexible Hours to Contact Our Traffic Lawyer
- Most Matters Can Be Handled By Phone or Email.
- Pay with Credit Card. Check, Cash or Money order.
How Our Traffic Ticket Defense Works
Call or Click “Amend Your Ticket Today” and Inform us your ticket number and any other information relating to your ticket. If you are under 21, tell me your age.
An email will be sent to you containing all pertinent information including an electronic contract(you can sign it online with your smartphone, tablet or computer), request for pertinent information, fine and court costs, and a link to pay.
I will file on your case and set a court date and request a recommendation from the prosecutor.
If the prosecutor accepts my offer you pay your fine online(KCMO Tickets only) or the firm pays it with a check. Receipt from jurisdiction is sent and your email.
Speedingticketkc is now handling misdemeanors, felonies, animal control tickets, driving while suspended, DUI’s, and DWI’s.
Contact us now to find out our flat rates on those criminal matters.
flat fee
It is true, $75.00* is our traffic attorney’s fee for basic traffic tickets. Examples of basic traffic tickets are: speeding under 19 mph over the limit, failure to have or produce insurance(but you have it now), stop sign or signal violation, turning violations, following too closely(non-accident), and several other 2-4 point violations.
Click here for a list of 2-4 point violations. Some Exceptions are made, contact our traffic lawyer to find out. More complex traffic tickets have different rates. Remember, the traffic lawyer’s fee does not cover fines/court costs due to the court. Contact us for a detailed quote.
*on basic traffic tickets
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